Get Back to Your Life More Quickly Through Accelerated Rehab

Injuries happen to everyone. Whether you’re an athlete or an office worker, inflammation, fractures, and more can limit your mobility and cause significant pain. To top it off, recovering from a musculoskeletal injury is often a daunting process. 

But Kristopher Downing, MD, Daniel Brereton, DO, and our team at Upper Extremity Specialists in Chula Vista and La Jolla, California, are here to offer you comprehensive care for many injuries of the hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders. With accelerated rehab, we may be able to get you back to your favorite activities several months or weeks earlier than with traditional rehab.

Why rehab is important after an injury

Maybe you damaged your rotator cuff playing football, or perhaps you have carpal tunnel from typing on a keyboard all day at work. Whatever your injury is, rehabilitation is a critical element of getting well. Often called physical therapy, rehab focuses on healing, building strength, restoring range of motion, and preventing future injury. 

If you have surgery, rehabilitation and physical therapy will help you get better sooner. Rehab plays a role in treatment for chronic orthopedic conditions, too. People with arthritis often find that regular physical therapy reduces inflammation and stiffness, and thereby reduces pain and increases range of motion.

What to expect with accelerated rehab

After your provider gives you a thorough evaluation ― which could include physical exams and medical imaging ― they’ll customize a treatment plan for you. In general, your rehab will involve exercises, stretches, and massage to target injured tendons and muscles and build strength.

Along with physical therapy, your treatment plan could include regenerative medicine to increase your body’s healing response. For example, platelet-rich plasma therapy utilizes growth factors naturally found in your body to boost tissue repair.

Accelerated rehab offers the same benefits of traditional rehab, but you should get back to your life quicker. And shortening the time doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice results. In some studies, accelerated rehab boasts better results than traditional methods.

Accelerated rehab is tailored to meet your needs while keeping your health at the forefront. All of our rehabilitation programs are customized to your ability level and injury, so you’ll experience the best recovery possible.

If you have an upper extremity injury, you don’t have to let it keep you down. To learn how accelerated rehab could help you, book an appointment online or over the phone with Upper Extremity Specialists today.

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