How Physical Therapy Helps Get You Back in the Game

How Physical Therapy Helps Get You Back in the Game

It’s no secret that physical activity benefits both your body and your mind. But unfortunately, many athletes are all too familiar with a common downside of physical activity, and that’s injury.

Regularly participating in exercise and sports can increase your risk of getting injured, from tendonitis to torn rotator cuffs. When a sports injury sends you to the sidelines, Kristopher Downing, MD, & James Andry, MD  can help you start healing.

At Upper Extremity Specialists of Ortho 1 Medical Group, with locations in Chula Vista and La Jolla, California, Dr. Downing provides comprehensive nonoperative care for hand, arm, and shoulder injuries. Here’s how physical therapy could help you get back in the game faster.

How physical therapy promotes healing

Sports injuries often cause pain, swelling, and reduced range of motion. Your first line of treatment after suffering an injury is often rest, but resting for too long can actually limit your body’s ability to heal.

Physical therapy helps fight stiffness, weakness, and loss of mobility. It’s completely customizable, making it a safe and effective treatment option for almost every type of sports injury.

Physical therapy typically includes specific exercises, stretches, and massage. Your therapist develops a physical therapy plan based on your injury, your fitness level, and your recovery goals. 

They guide you through exercises in each of your sessions, and they also give you exercises to do at home. By working through these exercises and stretches, you can start moving safely after suffering an injury and reduce your risk of getting injured in the future.

Participating in physical therapy can help:

Your therapist can even tailor your exercises based on the sports you play. Your physical therapy program evolves as you regain strength, and your therapist works with you to reintroduce your favorite activities over time.

Physical therapy for your sports injury

When you come to Upper Extremity Specialists, Dr. Downing diagnoses your injury with a physical exam and medical imaging, if needed. Then, he designs a treatment plan to get you back in the game as quickly as possible.

Physical therapy is a key piece of many rehabilitation programs. Dr. Downing might start you on a physical therapy program if you have an injury, such as the following:

Severe injuries may require surgery, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a candidate for physical therapy. In fact, physical therapy is essential after orthopedic surgery to help restore mobility and function. Since it’s nonsurgical and drug-free, Dr. Downing often recommends it alongside other treatments.

If you have a sports injury, don’t wait to seek treatment. Physical therapy can help rebuild strength and get you back to your favorite activities faster. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Upper Extremity Specialists today.

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